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The main difference between the GMT035(TTC) and the GMT050(TTC) is the dead weight of the GMT grapple saw. The GMT035(TTC) is 150kg lighter than the GMT050(TTC). This can be decisive for the working range of your crane.
But there are more things to consider in order to make the right decision that works best for you; we’ll explain them below. With the information below and your own situation in mind, it’ll be easier to make the right choice. A larger grapple saw does not necessarily mean that you can work more efficiently. There are more factors to consider. It depends entirely on your personal situation.
Would you like help in making the right choice or would you like to discuss this with our advisors? Please do not hesitate to contact our support. We are always happy to help you make the right choice.
Take care not to underestimate the hanging load
Please note! The greatest danger lies in underestimating the weight of the tree or branch to be cut. After sawing, the load becomes a suspended load for the machine! Always stay under the maximum load indicated by the load diagram of the crane on the base machine at all times.
To calculate what load your vehicle can carry, there is a rule of thumb that you can see below. You can project this rule of thumb onto your own situation, together with the load diagram supplied with your crane. This load diagram is important to assess what tree weight you can cut (& carry), taking into account the weight of the grapple saw set and required working height/range. An example of how to read a load diagram for a GMT grapple saw can be found here.
A commonly used rule of thumb is:
1. Find the maximum load permitted by the load diagram
2. Subtract the weight of the grapple saw set
3. 50% of the weight that remains is the permissible weight to be cut off when the load becomes a suspended load for the crane.
Make sure that on average the result is more than 300kg. This is sufficient to efficiently (and safely) fell a tree.
Guideline values for minimum vehicle category for the GMT035(TTC) & GMT050(TTC)
If the maximum load capacity of your crane does not give a limitation, you should consider the technical characteristics. The GMT035(TTC) has a smaller grapple which makes manoeuvring in the crown of a tree easier and the work area larger. The larger GMT050(TTC) has the advantage, in addition to a larger saw diameter, that any loading and unloading operations can be carried out more efficiently due to the larger size of the grapple.