Which GMT grapple saw to choose?

You can find the answers in the Q&A section on this page.

Would you prefer to discuss the possibilities 1 on 1 with an advisor? Then feel free to contact us personally.

Question 2: Will you opt for a GMT035 or GMT050?

Should you require personal assistance with this question, we will be happy to help. See the contact options. 

The main difference between the GMT035(TTC) and the GMT050(TTC) is the dead weight of the GMT grapple saw. The GMT035(TTC) is 150kg lighter than the GMT050(TTC). This can be decisive for the working range of your crane.

But there are more things to consider in order to make the right decision that works best for you; we’ll explain them below. With the information below and your own situation in mind, it’ll be easier to make the right choice. A larger grapple saw does not necessarily mean that you can work more efficiently. There are more factors to consider. It depends entirely on your personal situation. 

Would you like help in making the right choice or would you like to discuss this with our advisors? Please do not hesitate to contact our support. We are always happy to help you make the right choice. 



Take care not to underestimate the hanging load

Please note! The greatest danger lies in underestimating the weight of the tree or branch to be cut. After sawing, the load becomes a suspended load for the machine! Always stay under the maximum load indicated by the load diagram of the crane on the base machine at all times.

To calculate what load your vehicle can carry, there is a rule of thumb that you can see below. You can project this rule of thumb onto your own situation, together with the load diagram supplied with your crane. This load diagram is important to assess what tree weight you can cut (& carry), taking into account the weight of the grapple saw set and required working height/range. An example of how to read a load diagram for a GMT grapple saw can be found here. 

A commonly used rule of thumb is:

1. Find the maximum load permitted by the load diagram
2. Subtract the weight of the grapple saw set
3. 50% of the weight that remains is the permissible weight to be cut off when the load becomes a suspended load for the crane.

Make sure that on average the result is more than 300kg. This is sufficient to efficiently (and safely) fell a tree.

Guideline values for minimum vehicle category for the GMT035(TTC) & GMT050(TTC)


If the maximum load capacity of your crane does not give a limitation, you should consider the technical characteristics. The GMT035(TTC) has a smaller grapple which makes manoeuvring in the crown of a tree easier and the work area larger. The larger GMT050(TTC) has the advantage, in addition to a larger saw diameter, that any loading and unloading operations can be carried out more efficiently due to the larger size of the grapple.

Keep the positioning of the crane in mind
Positioning your crane correctly is a crucial part of felling trees safely and efficiently. 
When positioning your crane, ask yourself the following questions:

1. Can I reach all branches safely, considering the maximum load capacity of my crane?
2. Can I reach all branches safely, considering the objects around me and the tree?
3. Where should I stack the branches?
4. Is it possible that visitors will come and look, and how can I keep them at a safe distance? 

✅ Keep visitors at a distance by marking and cordoning off the work area
✅ Before sawing, always make sure that there are no people in the risk/work area, including yourself.
✅ Would you like to know more about safety zones, work zones and risk zones? Then read the PDF manual "Drawing up a tree plan (pages 19 - 21)"



By keeping the above information in mind and projecting it onto your own situation, we expect that you will be able to make a good choice about which type of grapple saw is most suitable for your specific situation.

It is important that you maximise the potential of your grapple saw (regardless of the type). Bigger (GMT050) is not always better. With a smaller grapple saw (GMT035) you may be able to work much more efficiently. So it depends entirely on your situation. 

Would you like help in making this evaluation or would you like to discuss this with our advisors? Please do not hesitate to contact our support. We are always happy to help you make the right choice. 



Which vehicles and cranes are suitable for a GMT grapple saw?

In principle, there are no restrictions: all vehicles with a hydraulic device at the end of the crane are suitable for a GMT grapple saw. However, having a crane that can rotate on the vehicle is preferable. This means that a tree can be felled from one position, removing the need to drive with the load.

In an ideal situation, the hydraulic system has 2 double-acting functions (4 connections). This is standard on every crane prepared to operate a wood grapple.


If only one double-acting function is available, this can be easily remedied by means of an electrically operated 6/2 valve. This is standard for a rotary telehandler. With a heavier excavator, it is important that there is a pressureless return line and that the working pressure can be reduced to 250 bar.

GMT Equipment has made its grapple saws available as plug & play for all crane brands and types.
See the section below for more information. 


Do GMT grapple saws work plug & play on any crane brand and type?

Yes, our grapple saw models (GMT035, GMT035TTC, GMT050, GMT050TTC) are available as plug & play for all crane makes and types. A plug & play connection has already been made for practically all crane brands and types. If not, we will make them. 

Below you find an overview of the most common crane brands

What load should my vehicle be able to carry? (rule of thumb)

For an answer to this question, please refer to this section of the page.


How can I be sure that my vehicle is suitable for felling trees?

Not sure if your vehicle is suitable for a GMT grapple saw?
Please send us a picture, possibly with the brand and type of the crane, and we will help you on your way.

Send your photo via Whatsapp or e-mail

Whatsapp us Email us 


Can I see a grapple saw live in action via a product demonstration?

Yes, you can! There are various options.

You are always welcome to visit our workshop in Vragender (NLD). In addition to a visit to our factory, there is also the opportunity to see the GMT grapple saw in action on a wood loading crane and/or a 6-tonne excavator. In addition, we have made agreements with several customers to be able to visit them when they are working with the grapple saw. We would be happy to organise a working visit for you.

If you are too far away for this, we can also perform a demo via live video.

To make an appointment, please contact us

Contact us 


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